She is like black coffee,
That rolls down one gullet to...
Who knows?  From what?

She rolls in time, to rhythms,
Ratchets cactus chiming stoically, regular to my heart,
They are a morsel of her thunder.

A day of forgiving,
People know,
Have heard,
Or had watched,
When we were.

Gave me nothing,
But I came away better,
Not knowing,
At the time,
Only now, as I think.

When I finally see,
My inner dams and damnation,
See the river in others,
Flowing all around us,
See a road of glory,
I find the absolute forgiveness,
To forgive you.

She is like black coffee,
Rolling down one gullet
Rolling in time, to rhythms,
Ratchets cactus chiming, cherishing stoic pride,
They are a morsel of her thunder.